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HEALON5TM PRO Ophthalmic Viscosurgical Device

HEALON5TM PRO Ophthalmic Viscosurgical Device

To order this product, please contact your sales rep.

Complete control with an OVD that puts the full palette at your fingertips

When both dispersive and cohesive OVD properties are desired, 
HEALON5TM PRO viscoadaptive OVD:

  • Provides space creation and anterior chamber maintenance through its cohesive properties1,2
  • Delivers outstanding protection of endothelial cells during the phacoemulsification process through its dispersive properties*1,3,5
  • Helps maintain control during capsulorhexis, phacoemulsification, and IOL placement1,4



Fill size

0.60 ml6

Molecular weight

3,200,000 Da6

Zero shear viscosity

1,300,000 – 12,600,000 mPas1


1. DOF2016CT0020 – Evaluation of the rheological properties of HEALON™ PRO OVD and HEALON5™ PRO OVD. 2016-06-13. 
2. Holmen, Jorgen B. Scheimpflug photography study of ophthalmic viscosurgical devices during simulated cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 2003;29(3):568-574. REF2014CT0081. 
3. Holzer MP, et al. Effect of Healon5 and 4 other viscoelastic substances on intraocular pressure and endothelium after cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 2001; 27(2):213-218. REF2014OTH0024. 
4. Tetz MR, et al. Clinical results of phacoemulsification with the use of HEALON5™ or VISCOAT. J Cataract Refract Surg 2001; 27(3):416-420. REF2014OTH0029.
5. DOF2018CT0001 - Clinical investigation of the bacterially derived HEALON5™ OVD. 2018-01-22. 
6. HEALON5™ PRO OVD DfU – CE Central – Doc. #52-0543-00, current revision. 

© Johnson & Johnson and its affiliates 2024.

For healthcare professionals only. Please reference the Instructions for Use for a complete list of Indications and Important Safety Information and contact our specialists in case of any question.
