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We’re Creating a World Connected by SightTM

Johnson & Johnson Vision brings together cutting-edge insights, science, technology and people to encourage professionals and patients to proactively preserve and enhance sight for life. Here’s how we’re doing it.

Eyesight is undervalued and undertreated—and we believe that it is our responsibility to help change this. At Johnson & Johnson Vision, we are united in our aspiration to partner with eye care professionals and help more people around the world preserve and restore sight for life.

We’re driven by a powerful purpose--to change the trajectory of global eye health. We are guided by Johnson & Johnson’s three pillars of corporate responsibility: improving global health, improving local communities, and ensuring the sustainability of our planet.

Scientific innovation drives progress. Curious minds discover new solutions that were once only imagined. Learn more about the ways Johnson & Johnson Vision generates new insights, invests deeply in R&D, and collaborates with scientists around the world.

We’re creating a world Connected by SightTM. Through our Vision to Action platform in the U.S., we are leading efforts with elected officials and eye health professionals to advance the best policy initiatives and elevate the importance of sight in the national conversation.

Creating awareness is a vital step to drive progress in eye health. We hope you will be inspired to spread the news. Visit the News & Media Center for the latest breakthroughs, insights and product advances from Johnson & Johnson Vision.