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Foot Pedals

Foot Pedals

To order this product, please contact your sales rep.

Your choice of Foot Pedals

Our selection of phacoemulsification foot pedals is designed to optimize your control. With options to fit each of our phaco systems, there’s a pedal for your OR style and technique.

  • The VERITASTM Foot Pedal is ergonomically designed for control and comfort.1-3
  • Four-button, wireless foot pedal built for ease of use, responsiveness and control
  • Optional heel insert ensures consistent placement and reduces heel Iift during actuation
  • Supports both wireless and wired connections
  • Works with the phaco console to save prefered settings for multiple-surgeon environments, surgical mode and immediate response
  • ​Small, wireless, compact design
  • Allows independent control of aspiration and Phaco power with its pitch and yaw movement3,4
  • Easy-grip handle for repositioning and storage 
  • Adjustable foot stabilizers and heel rest to secure and accommodate most footwear


1. DOF2021OTH4004 - Ergonomic Analysis of VERITASTM Foot Pedal. Mar. 10, 2021.
2. DOF2021OTH4003 - VERITASTM Vision System Usability Assessment. Dec. 13, 2020.
3. VERITASTM Op Manual - Z370584, current revision.
4. WHITESTAR SIGNATURETM PRO Op Manual - 0100-7599, current revision.


For healthcare professionals only. Please reference the Instructions for Use for a complete list of Indications and Important Safety Information and contact our specialists in case of any question

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