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HEALON EndoCoatTM Ophthalmic Viscosurgical Device

HEALON EndoCoatTM Ophthalmic Viscosurgical Device

To order this product, please contact your sales rep.

Contributes to regulating the interactions between adjoining tissues for patients’ eyes so you can focus on your craft.

To preserve the eye’s integrity during procedures, HEALON EndoCoatTM dispersive OVD:

  • Maintains anterior chamber, contributes to regulating the interactions between adjoining tissues during cataract surgery1



Fill size

0.85 ml1

Molecular weight

800,000 Da1

Zero shear viscosity

4.9 – 5.6 x104 cps


1. HEALON EndoCoatTM OVD DfU – Global – Doc. #Z311181, current revision.


© Johnson & Johnson and its affiliates 2024.

For healthcare professionals only. Please reference the Instructions for Use for a complete list of Indications and Important Safety Information and contact our specialists in case of any question.
