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UNFOLDERTM Delivery Systems

Engineered for precise, predictable delivery, the UNFOLDERTM Family of Delivery Systems brings together the reliable technique of traditional, screw-style inserters with the intuitive ease of use you’ve come to expect from Johnson & Johnson Vision products.1,2

Platinum 1 Series

With its special design, the UNFOLDERTM Platinum 1 Series handpiece provides precise, controlled delivery.1

  • Y-tip plunger rod assists in lens manipulation
  • Cartridge lock allows for secure loading in the correct position
  • Screw-style insertion provides predictable delivery from start to finish​

Emerald T

The UNFOLDERTM Emerald T Delivery System is engineered to simplify implantation while increasing your control. With its larger hand wheel, screw-style implantation technique and small threads, it delivers with exceptional control.2


UNFOLDERTM Platinum 1 Series Delivery System1

UNFOLDERTM Emerald T Delivery System2

Inserter partnumber DK7796 EMERALDT
Compatible with


3-Piece IOLs
Incision Size 2.2-2.4 mm

2.8 mm

Delivery System Screw-style Screw-style
Loading Rear-loading cartridge

Cartridge-loading platform

Cartridge number 1MTEC30 EMERALDC




1. UNFOLDERTM Platinum 1 Series DK7796 - DfU OUS - Z311233, current revision.
2. UNFOLDERTM Emerald Series - DfU OUS - Z311798, current revision.


© Johnson & Johnson and its affiliates 2024

For healthcare professionals only. Please reference the Instructions for Use for a complete list of Indications and Important Safety Information and contact our specialists in case of any question.

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