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BAERVELDTTM Glaucoma Implants

Easing the Pressure

The BAERVELDTTM BG 103-250, BAERVELDTTM BG 101-350 and BAERVELDTTM Pars Plana BG 102-350 Glaucoma Implants

Provide pressure control with a minimally invasive BAERVELDTTM Glaucoma Implant. Its fenestration system is designed to control bleb height and volume while a patented larger surface area enhances IOP control.1,2 When traditional glaucoma therapy can’t help the rising IOP, provide control with a BAERVELDTTM Glaucoma Implant.

Large plate implants, such as BAERVELDTTM Implants, facilitate aqueous outflow to help provide IOP control.3

  • Allows improved aqueous filtration
  • Increases pressure relief

BAERVELDTTM Implants only require single-quadrant insertion, allowing for better IOP control than competing implants.4,5

The BAERVELDTTM Implants’ patented bleb control mechanism allows fibrotic tissue growth through the fenestrations in the plate, controlling bleb height and volume.2,6

  • Reduces the likelihood of ocular motility disturbances5
  • Helps ensure a low profile for better globe fit

BAERVELDTTM BG 103-250 Glaucoma Implant7

BAERVELDTTM BG 101-350 Glaucoma Implant7

BAERVELDTTM Pars Plana BG 102-350 Glaucoma Implant7

Surface Area:

250 mm2

350 mm2

350 mm2

Plate Length:

22 mm

32 mm

32 mm

Tube Length:

32 mm

32 mm

7 mm






Anterior chamber

Anterior chamber

Posterior chamber (Pars Plana)

Drainage Mechanism:

Open tube

Open tube

Open tube with Hoffman Elbow


1. Gedde S, Schiffman J, Feuer W, et al. Treatment outcomes in the tube versus trabeculectomy study after one year of follow-up. Am J Ophthalmol.2007;143(1):9-22. REF2015OTH0534.
2. Lloyd MA, Baerveldt G, Fellenbaum PS, et al. Intermediate-term results of a randomized clinical trial of the 350 - versus the 500 mm2 Baerveldt Implant. Ophthalmology. 1994;101(8):1456-1464. REF2014MLT0045.
3. Gedde, S. et al. Treatment outcomes in the tube versus trabeculectomy (TVT) study after five years of follow-up. Am J Ophthalmol. 2012;153(5):804-814. REF2021CT4234. 
4. Heuer DK, Lloyd MA, Abrams DA, et al. Which is better? One or two? A randomized clinical trial of single-plate versus double-plate Molteno implantation for glaucomas in aphakia and pseudophakia. Ophthalmology. 1992;99(10):1512-1519. REF2014MLT0043.
5. Fellenbaum PS, Sidoti P, Heuer DK, Minckler DS, Baerveldt G, Lee PP. Experience with the Baerveldt implant in young patients with complicated glaucomas. J Glaucoma. 1995;4(2):91-97. REF2015OTH0537.
6. Hodkin MJ, Goldblatt WS, Burgoyne CF, Ball SF, Insler MS. Early clinical experience with the Baerveldt implant in complicated glaucomas. Am J Ophthalmol. 1995(1);120:32. REF2015OTH0535.
7. Baerveldt Glaucoma Implant DfU - INT - Z311647, current revision.



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